The Kropinak Name

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Family Research:

Available Help:

As of this date, we have not been able to locate a lot of information regarding the history of the Kropinak name.

We have located the Kropinak name listed in the Greek Catholic Matriky in Slovinky, Slovakia. The Matriky reflects the name of the parishioners attending the Slovinky church from 1907 to 1918.

In addition, we have seen the name spelled four different ways. They are:
Kropinyak - Found in the Slovinky Greek Catholic Matriky
Krupiňak - Shown in the writing "What is a Rusyn"
Kropiniak - A person wrote us recently and used this spelling
Kropinak - May be the Americanized or "New Country" version

If anyone has information on this
subject, please  contact us  using
OFM's "Feedback" procedure.


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