Recipes From Slovakia

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The First Catholic Slovak Ladies Union published a cook book to celebrate their 60th anniversary in 1952. They named the book "The Anniversary Slovak-American Cook Book". They hoped to answer some questions from the young women who wanted to learn Slovak cooking.

We have chosen some of our favorites from these original recipes and placed them on the website to give our readers more exposure to the delicious favor of Slovak cooking .



1 cupflour
1 egg
4Tbspcold water
  brown melted butter

1. Mix all ingredients with enough water to make a medium soft dough. Knead well, then roll out until thin.
2. Cut into squares to make approximately 50 pirohies.
3. Place on each square 1 teaspoon of filling. (See potato-cheese filling recipe below.  Others are available in the book.)
4. Fold in half to make triangles. Pinch edges well to keep filling from escaping. 5. Drop in salted water and cook until pirohy rise to the top of the water. Then cook for 5 minutes more. 6. When done, fill pot with a small amount of cold water and then strain. Pirohies may be carefully place on a bread board to allow them to dry a bit. They will be less soggy when you do the next step. 7. Place pirohy on a serving dish and pour melted and slightly browned butter over them 8. Eat while hot. If desired, add more salt.

Potato - Cheese Filling

4 Potatoes
½lbLonghorn or American  cheese - crumbled

1. Mash cooked potatoes, adding another teaspoon of salt if necessary.
2. Stir in crumbled cheese together with two tablespoons of melted butter and the remaining filling ingredients. Let the combined  filling cool.
3. The filling is now ready to be placed in the dough.



1cupscalded milk
1cupwarm water
lbsall-purpose flour
2 egg yokes, slightly beaten

1. Dissolve yeast in half cup warm water.
2. Pour half cup scalded milk over butter and sugar. Then cool to lukewarm and add dissolved yeast.
3. Sift flour and salt into a deep  bowl, add eggs and yeast mixture with remaining milk and water.
4. Knead well, cover with a cloth and set aside in warm to rise until doubled in bulk, about 2 hours. Then turn out on floured board.
5. Divide dough into three portions. Cover each portion with bowl and rest for 10 minutes.
6. Take one piece at a time , flatten in the center with back of hand. Place filling in center and draw up and pinch edges together. (See pagach filling recipe below.)
7. Again place a bowl over the dough for ten minutes.
8. Heat over to 375º F.
9. Turn dough with filling over and press carefully with back of hand all around, then roll out slowly, so the  filling will not through. Roll to 12 inch diameter.
10. Place both hands under pagach and place in bottom of over for 10 minutes, then turn over on rack (in center of oven) and bake for another 10 minutes. When done , wrap in damp cloth and let it stand for 10 minutes.
11. Now, brush lightly with sweet cream, then with golden brown butter on both sides.
12. Cut to desired sizes. Note, at this point you may sprinkle with sugar which is an option.
13. Follow the same method for the other two pieces. Each portion is for one pagach.

Potato - Cheese Filling

9medpotatoes, peeled and boiled
3cupsshredded cheddar cheese
¾cupbutter (1½ sticks)

1. Mash potatoes with cheese and butter.

Delicious Nut Roll


5cupflour, sifted
3 eggs
1tspbaking soda
1smyeast cake
2 cupmilk
½ptsour cream


1smglass honey
1lbnuts, ground
  sugar to taste

1. Sift, baking powder and salt. Work in butter and Cisco with hands.
2. Add eggs and work together. Then crumble the yeast and add to dough.
3. Add milk and sour cream. Knead for a few minutes.
4. Set aside for about 2 hours to rise.
5. Roll out on board which has been covered with sugar.
6. Fill with nut filling (recipe below) or any desired filling.
7. Bake in moderate oven for about 25 minutes.

1. Melt butter in skillet and add honey. Cook for a few minutes.
2. Add ground nuts and sugar to taste.

The following recipe was not taken from the book.

Haluski Kapusto


½headcabbage, chopped
  salt band pepper, to taste
  paprika, few good shakes

1. In skillet, brown onions in butter.
2. When browned, add salt, pepper, paprika, cabbage and simmer 5 minutes covered. Add a little watter occasionally, as needed, until cabbage is tender.


1 eggs, beaten
¼ water to moisten

1. Start a pot of water and bring to boil.
2. Beat egg well, add salt flour and water, stirring to a stiff batter. Place batter on board.
3. Using a knife slide small bite size batter portions from board into boiling water.
4. If the dough stays together and comes to the top continue with rest of dough. Cook till all dough balls come to the top.
If the dough falls apart mix a little flour into dough and test it again by repeating step 3.
5. When all dough balls rise to the top, cook 5 minutes longer. Tastes to see if done and then drain.
6. Add to prepared cabbage, stir well and heat through.

Feeds two.

The ladies have made a slight change to official name since our cookbook was printed. They are now referred too as the "First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association".

To contact them or purchase the current edition of their cookbook, please use the following:

First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association
National Headquarters
24950 Chagrin Blvd.
Beachwood, Ohio 44122-5634

Phone: (216) 464-8015
Toll Free: (800) 464-4642
Fax: (216) 464-9260
Website: To visit F.C.S.L.A.


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